A boutique Maternity, Newborn & Baby Photography studio
in the Baton Rouge, Louisiana Area
C l e a n ,Cherilyn Haines PhotographyWelcome to
JOY Plan
A boutique Maternity, Newborn & Baby Photography Studio in the Baton Rouge, Louisiana AreaC l e a n ,Cherilyn Haines Photographywelcome to

Clark: 1 Year Old | Baton Rouge, Louisiana Newborn and Baby Photographer

This happy guy came back to visit me for his final JOY Plan session back in October! He has been so much fun to photograph during his first year and he always shares his sweetest smiles with me. 🙂 We pulled out all of the big boy props for this session and Clark gave me all of his best poses! He got rewarded at the end with a yummy cake for a sweet and simple cake smash. 🙂 Here are some of my favorites from Clark’s 1 year session…

1 year old baby boy portraits with Cherilyn Haines photography in Baton Rouge, louisiana.
cake smash session with Cherilyn Haines Photography at her studio in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Drake: 1 Year Old | Denham Springs, LA Baby Plan Photographer

My buddy Drake came back for his last JOY Plan session back in October and just keeps getting cuter and cuter every time I see him! He has been an absolute joy to photograph throughout his first year. I loved getting to watch his little personality develop and see what a happy kiddo he is. 🙂 As always, his mama brought some super adorable outfits for this session and Drake showed off his best smiles – and even some of his new walking moves! Here are a few of my favorites from his 1 year session….

1 year portrait session with Cherilyn Haines Photography at her studio in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. 1 year old boy with duck hunting themed portrait session

Charlotte: 6 Months Old | New Orleans, LA Newborn and Baby Photographer

My sweet friend Charlotte came back to visit me for her second JOY Plan session back in October. (I can’t believe I’ll be photographing her as a 1 year old soon!) She was just the most fun to play with and photograph! Her mama brought the sweetest little outfits for her to wear and we paired them with a couple of floral backdrops as well as a couple of classic, solid backdrops. And, of course, I had to set up one of the props that we used at her newborn session to put her in at this session as well. (And I can’t wait to try it again at her next session!) Here are a few of my favorites from her 6 month session….

6 month old baby girl is photographed by Cherilyn Haines photography at her studio in Baton Rouge, louisiana.

Penelope: 9 Days Old | Baton Rouge, LA Newborn Portrait Session

This tiny little lady came to the studio back in September for her very first portrait session. She is SO loved by her family and I can absolutely see why! She was such a petite little one – even my smallest headbands somehow looked big on her. 🙂 We used lots of neutrals and pinks and lace accents for her session to make it extra girly! Here are a few of my favorites from Miss Penelope’s newborn session…

9 day old tiny newborn baby girl has her newborn session with Cherilyn Haines Photography in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Her newborn session is styled with neutrals, pinks, and lace accents.

Nate: 6 Days Old | Denham Springs, LA Newborn Photographer

Sweet Nate came to visit me in September for his newborn portrait session at just 6 days old. He was the sweetest, squishiest little one and was SO much fun to photograph! We styled his session using shades of blues, greens, and neutrals. He posed so perfectly for me in every setup and even flashed a couple of tiny smiles for me. 🙂 Here are just a few of my favorites from Nate’s session…

6 day old newborn baby boy is photographed by Cherilyn Haines photography at her studio in Baton Rouge, louisiana.