A boutique Maternity, Newborn & Baby Photography studio
in the Baton Rouge, Louisiana Area
C l e a n ,Cherilyn Haines PhotographyWelcome to
JOY Plan
A boutique Maternity, Newborn & Baby Photography Studio in the Baton Rouge, Louisiana AreaC l e a n ,Cherilyn Haines Photographywelcome to

Braelynn: 12 Days Old | Baton Rouge, LA Newborn and Baby Photographer

I got to meet this sweet girl back in September. I had already met and photographed her mama at her maternity session so I was just that much more excited to meet Braelynn. She was an absolute DOLL! She just has the sweetest little face and pouty lips and was the perfect little model for me. We styled her session with lots of pinks and neutrals with touches of floral and lace accents. I think it all just worked so perfectly together for her sweet session. I’m so excited that Miss Braelynn is one of my JOY Plan babies so I get to photographer again next month! Here are a few of my favorites from her newborn session…

12 day old newborn baby girl is photographed by Cherilyn Haines photography at her studio in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

John: 14 Days Old | New Orleans, LA Newborn Photographer

Look at this sweet little one I got to photograph back in September! His mama requested a more neutral session with lots of whites and I kind of love how these turned out. I know I typically share mostly newborn pictures but John’s family was so smitten with him that I just had to share some of those pictures as well. Those big sisters sure do love him! 🙂 Here are a few of my favorites from John’s newborn session…

14 day old newborn baby boy is photographed by Cherilyn Haines photography at her studio in Baton Rouge, louisiana

Cove: 11 Days Old | Baton Rouge, LA Newborn Portrait Session

Sweet 11 day old Cove came to the studio for her first portrait session back in September. 🙂 Her mama chose my Petite Newborn Session option so I planned out some super sweet swaddled setups based on colors that her mama asked me to use. She couldn’t have been any sweeter! She tried her hardest to stay awake for part of her session but ended up having a quick nap while I posed her in different props and sets. 🙂 I just adore how sweet and feminine her images turned out. Here are a few of my favorites…

11 day old newborn baby girl is photographed in different swaddles and props for her newborn session with Cherilyn Haines Photography in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Kennedy | Baton Rouge, Louisiana Maternity Photographer

I had the most fun maternity portrait session back in September with this gorgeous couple! Kennedy is absolutely glowing as a mama-to-be and she just looked stunning in every look that we did. We started the session with one of the studio collection’s more glamorous black gowns which fit Kennedy perfectly! We then swapped to a more chic light blue fabric for some dramatic tossed fabric looks. We then did some pictures in Kennedy’s jeans and white button down shirt (one of my favorite looks for maternity sessions!) and then ended with a nude colored tulle robe. Kennedy was amazing through the whole session – and dad wasn’t too bad either. 😉 Here are some of my favorites from their session….

Maternity portrait session in Baton Rouge, louisiana with Cherilyn Haines Photography; studio maternity portrait session

Jenesis: 2 Months Old | Denham Springs, LA Newborn and Baby Photographer

I got to meet this little doll when she was 2 months old! I feel like most people think this is “too late” for newborn pictures and “too young” for baby pictures. But…..you guys….you can capture beautiful pictures of your little ones at ANY age! This age is such a sweet spot for getting some adorable wide awake shots showing off their brand new personality mixed in with a few minutes of sweet napping. Miss Jenesis was just absolutely perfect for her session. Here are a few of my favorites that we were able to capture…

2 month old baby girl is photographed by Cherilyn Haines photography at her studio in Baton Rouge, louisiana. She was photographed smiling and awake as well as swaddled and sleeping.